Powering the Cyber-Physical Revolution

4ir Microgrid helps:

Developers Deploy Clean Energy

Manufacturers deploy clean technology

The Fourth Industrial Revolution is creating a trillion dollar demand for clean and distributed energy and a multi billion dollar microgrid market​

Via 4IRM’s Africa Kilowatt division, we are advancing a $94 million, 50MW solar-25MW battery smart grid project in Abuja, Nigeria; Africa’s only planned capital city.

It is an honor to have Emerald Planet TV feature this project and our development partner Magnifique in a one hour internationally broadcast show!

In 2015, the U.S. led the world into the 4th Industrial Revolution (4IR)

The ‘New Energy Age’ is inextricably linked to 4IR, known as the Cyber-Physical Revolution and Microgrids are at the Confluence of these Megatrends

4IR Microgrid Helps Companies and Communities Benefit. We also seek to reposition shuttered coal power generation plants into data parks

4IR Microgrid Provides legal, power agreement, technical and business development experience while also linking to companies seeking to invest in microgrids, cyber-security and data centers

In 2019 the U.S. Needed 1 Billion Square feet of New Data Centers consuming 100GW. Covid has accelerated this demand. Big Data is requiring clean energy and zero carbon = microgrids. Alphabet (Google) is now investing in technology-enabled infrastructure. Data centers consume 2% of world’s electricity. 2030 projections: 8%. The market is now.

Digital communication is increasing pressure to bring electricity to 600 million Africans, most of whom have cell phones. In 20 years, there will be 850 million MORE Africans.

Advanced Energy Revolution: 

The New Energy Age is driven by foundational scientific discoveries similar to those driving 4IR. Microgrid power is a mega trend that 4IR can assist with

fourth industrial revolution and links to microgrids

Energy Security the US Department of Defense is already deploying cyber secure, resilient microgrids to ensure base security

There is currently a 150 billion dollar a year annual energy and infrastructure funding gap in Africa/MENA;

The world’s fastest growing continent needs microgrids

Transformation of U.S. utility industry 

from a centralized system to distributed system (e.g. microgrids). With hundreds of power plants being decommissioned, the microgrid demand grows

There is a vast expected Microgrid annual revenue growth:

$6.3 billion in 2018 to $30.9 billion by 2027 (Navigant)